

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Amanda, my best friend and I had a cleansing process… I burned the all the BS photos from the past relationships. It felt good to put it behind me and see what the future holds! I’ve been so stressed and tense over trusting the one I love. CHEATING is CHEATING. Monogamy can’t work if you and that person can’t make the effort. I’m better of knowing the truth then being left in the dark. So many of my friends will stay with the same person even after they cheat, I'm not sure I could ever just forgive and forget. If you haven't tried a burn party you should, it's very refreshing! 


  1. Sounds like a very empowering experience! I have a few things I could stand to burn ;)

  2. I was cheated on and a good friend and I had a burning picture party. It was relieving and I haven't looked back since! It's good to hear someone else has done this too. :)

  3. Good morning Fallyn.

    I'm not jumping in here to criticize anybody for wanting to perform a cathartic,self-healing type of actualization therapy,(even if the act is strikingly similar to certain NON Judaeo/Christian ceremonies). However I think erasing painful learning points from your own personal history,(even if the persons memory your attempting to burn from existence happens to be of a lousy worthless cheating whore who acutely emotionally damaged you and other people's lives in your life), you would to some extent be denying your self and whom you have evolved/grown into having lived first hand that particular life experience.
    "Those whom ignore history are doomed to repeat it"

    I'm not suggesting anyone enlarge offending photos to full poster dimensions, or framed and mount in a "Hall of Shame", but ...maybe... have something like a small "Failure File". A condensed, veritable encyclopedia of "memro-media" as it applies to you and your own life's painful lessons. Just an idea 80D
