

Thursday, January 26, 2012

We all have our own new years resolutions:

Lose weight
Make some mistakes
Find love
Be happy

Mine is this: I want to learn. I can't be lazy anymore. I used to want to be a chef! I have to stop napping, and waking up in the middle of the night. I have to develop a decent natural sleep pattern. I want my life to be a new thing, a new journey. I want to be a person of character, value, integrity, and ethics. I won't procrastinate and save myself from tricky situations in the future! I want to be more disciplined, smart. Inspiration will always come to you. I need to learn to laugh at my mistakes, we all make them. These simple rules will help me excell, and succeed in life, and my future.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're almost stealing the only words in that BLEU de Chanel commercial that I don't really understand. "I'm not going to be the person I'm expected to be anymore."

    Having traveled a lot during my time in the military I've only found one sure-fire way to get me on a "regular" sleep schedule. It's called Melatonin. It's a naturally occurring chemical in your body that basically tells your body when to sleep. I think I got mine at GNC for like $6. So 5mg a night I sleep like a baby. That might be something to consider?

    You can do anything you set your mind to. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
